Once your details have been entered onto the DriverCare system you will receive an email with a link to connect to the LicenceCheck website to give electronic consent for your company to check your licence details with the DVLA.
To be taken to the LicenseCheck website select 'click here to approve' button.
You will then be taken to a screen which requires confirming some details about yourself.
Tick the relevant boxes then click 'next'.
The next screen will require you to enter details as shown on your licence.
(Fields which contain red * are mandatory )
Clicking Next takes you to the final screen to give your approval for the check which will be carried out automatically by the DriverCare system.
If you do not have a GB licence or do not drive for your company please use the opt out button on the second screen.
If you Manage DriverCare and you need to request a driver eConsent click here