In order for the ERR interface to work the below configurations need to be set.
Navigate to Administration -> General -> Coding Settings.
Below 'Category level coding' there are two coding's that will need to be set ERR Category and ERR Subcategory.
To add the coding click on 'Edit available code values' by each required coding.
Then, click 'add new' to add a relevant coding.
Once all the relevant codes have been added to ERR Category and ERR Subcategory, these will need to be allocated to the relevant categories.
User profile
In user profile the required coding will need to be added for each user.
Administration -> user settings -> user profile.
To access a user profile click on the pencil icon by the users account.
Once the user profile is accessed scroll down in general setting to coding.
Then, ensure the below highlighted coding's are filled out for each user.
To access the categories section navigate to Administration -> Expenses-> Categories.
Each category will need the ERR coding selecting.
To select the ERR coding on a category, click on the pencil icon by each catgeory.
Once the required category is accessed scroll down to 'coding and interface' where you will be able to select the relevant ERR Category and ERR Subcategory.
Once the relevant ERR coding's are selected scroll back up and click 'save'.
The ERR coding's will need to be set on each category in order for the ERR interface to work accordingly when a user creates a claim using that category.
Click here to find out how generate the file