Reconciling a card statement
From the Dashboard you will see a box showing the number of lines awaiting reconciliation, this figure will reduce as claim lines are reconciled.
To start reconciling click on Items to reconcile in the box.

The next screen shows any statements awaiting reconciliation, which have been matched to your account. On the right-hand side, you will see the total value of the statement along with a status of the number of lines reconciled and remaining. Whilst the number of lines will be updated the statement value will not change.
When you are ready to start reconciling, click on the Pencil icon next to the statement.

The next screen gives a full list of all lines awaiting reconciliation.
There are 4 options for each line:
- To match the imported line to an existing claim line
- To Create a new claim line from the imported line
- To mark the line as personal (this will remove it from the statement and allow finance staff to report on the items)
- Cash Withdrawal is not available to all claimants but allows imported cash lines to be transferred to another claim account
When reconciling a card statement, it may be that not all of the options detailed above are available to you. This is determined by other parts of the system, but at the very least Match and Create will be.

When creating a new claim line, there is the option to either save the created lines on a new claim (this is the default setting) or select a current claim at the draft level and add the lines onto that claim. This can be done by using the drop-down to select the claim ID.
The other fields for selection here are the category, receipt, coding and descriptions. Any information in the imported statement will be pulled through and populate the claim line, including the country and default VAT rate.
You will be able to add a receipt to your claim line from the Files & Receipts, using the + icon, or upload a new receipt.
When all items are completed use the Save button to store that information against a claim and return to the remaining statement lines requiring reconciliation.

If a claimant has already created the claim line against their card account when the purchase was made, these lines can be matched to the imported statement using the match option.
This will search for claim lines with matching values and accounts which can be reconciled.
The date of the claim line must match the date on the statement.

This option is not available to all claimants. If you have it, the item will be marked as reconciled on your statement and then made available via a report to the Finance Team to view.

Cash Withdrawal
This option is also not available to all claimants. This allows cash withdrawn against a card to be moved between advance accounts and also marks the line as reconciled on the statement.
On completion of the reconciliation, you will see that the Items to reconcile box on the Dashboard, will show 0, as all lines have been reconciled.