Standard Reports for a Manager
To display the list of the reports click on the Reports button located on the toolbar.
Within the report, there are various options to export/save the report or you can just view this within the browser.
All reports can be exported in various formats. To do this, click on the save/disk icon.
List of Manager Reports
You will have access to your own Reports and also manager reports. Which show information for the claimants you authorise claims for.
Approved Claims – View all claims you have approved by the date they were approved. The claim ID, originator, and the total claim amount are shown.
Analysis of Spend – View Analysis of Spend for employees who you authorise for, you are able to view the date, claim ID, claimant, description and the total claim amount on this report.
Average Costs by Claimant – View the average costs of each of your claimants. This report will show the claim ID, claimant, claim category, description and the total claim amount.
Average Costs by Method of Travel – View a report for your claimants based on the method of travel. This report is to show information like additional travel, police diversions etc.
Claims Awaiting Authorisation – View a list of all claims that are still waiting to be authorised. A date filter is available to use on this report.
Cost Analysis of Site-to-Site Travel – View any details of any Site-to-Site travel from any of your claimants.
Mileage By Claimant – View mileage is undertaken per claimant. The total mileage and the total claim amount are shown here.
Mileage By Claimant With Rates – View all of the mileage rates that your claimants claim under by claim ID. Vehicle category, VAT rate and the total mileage and mileage per line are also shown.
Mileage By Category – View mileage by the category this is claimed under, you can view the claimant name, claim ID, date, description and the total mileage over a date range that is selectable via the date from/to filters.
Mileage By Cost Centre – View mileage by cost centre showing the claim ID, date, claimant, category, description of the claim, and the total mileage and claim amount.
Non-Receipted Expenditure – View all claims created by your claimants that do not have receipts attached to them.
Expenditure By Cost Centre – View claims created by the cost centre. The information displayed is the claim ID, date, claimant, category, description and the total claim amount.
Vehicle and Mileage – View mileage is undertaken by vehicle for all of your claimants. The report will show the vehicle registration number, claim ID, date, category, description, mileage per claim line and total amount.
Vehicle Matrix by Registration – This report will show the vehicle registration, make and model and the number of users with this vehicle.
Vehicle Matrix by User – This will show the claimant who claims under you, their vehicle reg number and make / model and how many vehicles the user has.
Claims by VAT Rate – View all claims created under certain VAT rates, the report is split out by the VAT rate name and the claim ID, date, category, description, the total and VAT amounts and the total inc VAT are also shown.
Manager Subordinates – This is a report which will show all the users who you authorise claims.