Duty of Care
If your organisation has a policy requiring you to upload your vehicle documents then these must be kept up to date according to your organisation’s rules.
You will be notified when you are required to upload documents.
The screen below outlines how many documents are required and which documents you currently have in place.
Clicking the number inside one of the boxes or clicking on the will take you inside the duty of care module.
When you click on your required documents the screen below will be displayed.
Here you can view the number of documents required and upload them as required. You can also see if your details have been checked.
Required documents needing action will show in the top half of the screen, the documents you have already uploaded will show in the lower half of the screen.
You can locate the documents required for each vehicle by the registration number shown.
To upload a document click on the document link to open the following screen.
Complete the relevant information and then attach the document. Once attached and saved, your administration team will be notified and they will need to check the document. The status of the document will then change from UNCHECKED to CHECKED.