Mileage date range
A mileage date range is also required to be added to the system in order for claimants to claim on mileage, without a date range the system will not know to use the specific rates you have set up.
To add a date range navigate to Administration in the sidebar and then click on the Expenses tab, and select Mileage Rates.

Click on Update date ranges.

On the mileage date range, screen click Add a new date range.

Add a Description and the Date to/from, for example, if you would like your rates to run up to 1st October, enter 1st October in the date to the field. This means the rates will run up at midnight and the new rates would run from the 1st of October.

Once you are happy with the date range click Save
Next time you are adding rates through the mileage rate screen, the date range you have just created will be selectable and you will be able to add rates for this date range.