Add a new workflow rule
Claim rule entry
From the Administration menu, select Workflow and Workflow Authorisation.
Workflow Actions – This section is for controlling the movement of forms from one level to another.
Workflow Authorisation – This section is for creating and amending the claim rules.
Workflow Levels – This section is for amending various form types on each approval level, for example in this section you can make it available for claimants, managers or expense teams to edit VAT and select which level this VAT is editable at.
Workflow Authorisation
The first screen allows specific rules to be searched for, using all or part of the rule description. Use the refresh button to update the list and the clear button to return to the full list. The list can also be limited to enabled or disabled triggers only.
All rules are then listed in the lower part of the first screen. Each description is a link that can be clicked on to edit that trigger.
Create a New Workflow Rule
Use the Add new link from the top of the screen to create a new workflow rule.
All fields in yellow are mandatory and must be completed.
The fields available for the workflow header are:
Description, make this as meaningful as possible because this will be displayed on the main screen.
Authorisation Step This step determines which round of authorisation managers are asked to check claims. For example, if step 1 is selected the normal line manager and the 2nd level approval will be notified and asked to check the claim simultaneously. If step 2 is selected the managers will be asked to check the claims, one manager, at a time.
Once the rule is created it is already enabled, then use the Save button to save the header details.
This section specifies the Conditions required for the rule to be activated. When a claimant processes a claim, MyExpenses will check all rules first to see if any conditions are met, if they are the actions will be carried out, otherwise, the standard workflow of the manager from the user profile will be selected.
Click on the pencil icon to edit any existing conditions, or the plus icon to add a new condition.
Fields for entry:
Matching – All or Any, all means all conditions must be met for the trigger to be activated, any means any 1 of the rules can be met for the trigger to be activated.
Conditions – This is a list of all fields which can be used to create rules, it contains all of the coding fields, some value fields and usernames. The claim category limit field uses the value on the claim category.
Operation – The field is a drop-down of available options, including whether the value of the field should be equal to, greater or less than.
Value – This drop-down contains all possible entries stored in the system. Use the Search link on the right if there is a large amount of data in the list.
Run Order – If you have several conditions in the list you can enter a number to place the condition within the list.
The Action is what must happen when the conditions are met.
Click on the pencil icon to edit any existing actions, or the plus icon to add a new action.
There are 4 possible actions available from the drop-down:
Assign claim to a user – This selects 1 manager to whom the claim should go.
Assign claim to users from a department (1 or 2) – This allows a department code to be specified, which is already assigned to user profiles, so any managers with this department code will be listed on the process screen and the claim will need to be authorised by either 1 or more than 1 of them.
Assign claim to users from a group – This allows more than 1 manager to be stored against the action and on processing a claim the claimant will be asked to select at least 1 manager from the list to send the claim to.
For each of the actions, the value fields will change to reflect this.