Self Registration Settings
Self-registration allows new users to register their details themselves.
Self-registration settings are defined in the Administration area and once configured should not be changed.
If you are unsure about altering these settings, please speak to our Helpdesk team.
From the Administration menu, go to General and click on Self Registration.
If the Use self-registration toggle is set to No, then the link allowing self-registration will not appear on the Login screen.
Other settings
- Style of new username – This can be set to match the login process. It can either be an email address, payroll number, first name or last name.
- RegEx validation – The format of usernames can be controlled using regular expressions.
- Username help text – allows you to edit the message which will be displayed to the new user for help when they are creating their user account.
- Security Key – can be generated and given out to new users, who would then have to enter this as part of the self-registration process as an added level of security for you. This is optional, as all users have to be approved anyway so it may not be necessary.
- Manager email address – If the new user knows their new line manager they can enter the email address.
- Allow user to select templates – The template user can either be defaulted or selected by the new user. The template will assign all the cost centres, basic access levels and expense codes to the claimant.
- Request a home location – This will ask the claimant for their home address for mileage claims.
- Request a work location – This will ask the new claimant for a work location to be selected from the drop-down for mileage claims.
- Allow users to make claims before approval – Disabling this option means a user profile must be approved by an administrator before they can begin submitting claims.