Create a finance interface (report) and make payments
Prepare the Batch
Click Create a new batch button to start off.
To edit an existing batch, click the pencil next to a batch name. By default the batches displayed will be for the last 30 days. Change the Created since filter to view batches further back. The Show filter provides the option to view/hide submitted and processed batches.
From Create a new batch you will see the following screen.
Enter a Batch name that will be identified from the manage claim payment screen.
Put a Message which will be displayed to the claimant on all claims within the batch.
Claim type covers the code defined in the header of the claim, again it is a way to split claims for interfacing differently. This option will not be visible if your organisation has only one claim type setup.
The organisation will only be available if your company has more than one set-up. Organisations can be used for payments in different currencies, or to define different groups within the company.
Include is a series of toggle buttons, when they are blue they are selected. When unselected, they are white. They determine which transactions within the system can be included in the batch. This can include Expenses from MyExpenses, Invoices from InvoiceFlow or Timesheets for overtime.
The Account type will only be available for expenses. This relates to the accounts set on the claim lines and includes Expenses, credit cards, advance or debit cards. Claims can contain lines covering several accounts which are separated out if necessary at this point to go to different interface (report) batches.
Use the Cancel Button or cross to move back to the manage claim payments screen.
Otherwise, select Create to add claims into the batch.
On the next screen you can review the batch details list; the Status, date created, date updated, batch settings and payment message. Under the account type (eg Expenses), you can see the number of lines in the batch and the total amount. Select the + icon to add claim lines to the batch.
On the next screen, you will see lines that are available to add to your batch.
Every claim which has been authorised and approved via the final authorisation level will be listed; the claims shown are determined by the filter of the batch.
Click on the ID number to review individual lines, or select the > button next to the line to add it to the batch. Alternatively, you can use the Add all button to add all available lines.
Use the back button at the top of the screen to return to the Batch overview screen. The number of lines and the amount is updated accordingly.
Select the Submit button once you have added all the claim lines to the batch. This will lock down the batch and the additional lines link will be removed.
Select the Delete/Bin button to remove the batch.
Finance Interface (Report)
Once the batch is submitted, you will also see the link to the interface (report) file.
Click on your interface (report) file.
A preview of the interface (report) file will be displayed on the screen. To download the expense details in a file select the “Download” button.
The file can be extracted in CSV or text format allowing the file to be saved or opened in many programs.
Once the file has been extracted select the Close button to return to the batch details.
Notify Users
Once the batch is submitted you will have the option to email users to notify the claim has been paid before marking the batch as completed. Use the Email users button to do this.
Rolling Back
Select the Unsubmit button to roll the batch back, if there has been a problem with the upload, or to add more claim lines to the batch.
Mark a Batch as Paid
Once the file has been successfully uploaded into your finance system use the Paid button to mark the batch as processed.
At this point, MyExpenses claimants will receive an email to say that the expense has been transferred to the finance system for payment.
Once a batch has been marked as paid, it cannot be rolled back.