iOS Application
iPhone mobile devices can be used to make claims on our dedicated iOS application. This is available through the App Store on the device.
Type in MyExpenses Cloud on an iPad or iPhone and select our application to download this to the device.
Once downloaded onto the device tap the MyExpenses Cloud app icon to enter the app.
The web address will need to be entered into the app to log in to the specific Point Progress site.
Username/email address and password will also need to be entered, then tap Login.
This screen shows 3 circles My Claims, Authorise and the Plus icon.
The My Claims section is the history showing all claims created/submitted and claims in the draft.
The Authorise circle will only appear if you are set up as a manager to approve claims.
Tapping on the Plus icon will take you through to the claim assistant where the claim can be created.
Tapping the My Claims button will take you to the screen below where you can see your draft, submitted and completed claims.
A Claim Type will need to be set for the claim, this can be selected by using the Claim Type dropdown box.
A Description of the claim will also need to be entered before progressing to the next stage of the claim assistant.
Tap on any of the circle icons to open up that specific category selection, the icons indicate which type of expenses can be claimed using the category selection.
The app will only support standard purchase claim lines, so as such only these categories will be made available on the application. To continue with the claim assistant tap any icon and then select one of the categories.
The claim process is very straightforward on the iOS device, once the category and a photograph of the receipt is added, the line is ready to be uploaded into your draft claims.
A photograph of the receipt can be taken with the iOS device’s camera or the receipt can be selected from the device’s library if this was taken at an earlier date.
Alternatively, the No Receipt option can be selected if this has been misplaced.
Once the line has been finished and uploaded this is the screen that will be displayed.
The claim can now either be submitted to your manager by selecting the Submit option or lines can be continued to be added to the claim by selecting the Plus icon.
Download the iOS Application Here