MEO Mobile has a few settings which you can toggle on and off depending on how you would like to use the app.
To find these settings, you will first need to access the side menu by swiping left to right from the edge of the screen. Or alternatively by tapping the hamburger icon on the top left if you are using an Android device or the MEO Mobile link on the top left if you are using an iOS device.
From here you can then tap on the Settings link.
You can also sign out of the app from this menu too.
Save local receipts
This option determines whether or not to save the receipts you capture using the app locally on your device. It is recommended to leave this option on, as it will produce backups of your receipts on your device.
You can leave this option on if you wish to keep backups of the receipts you upload.
Or to save space you can toggle this option off.
Automatically reinvoke camera
This option returns you to the camera immediately after capturing a photo of your receipt.
You can leave this option on if you are looking at capturing a number of receipts in a single session. Otherwise, you can switch this off.
Automatically go to edit screen
This option sends you to the receipt edit screen, where you can enter in the amount, date, vat amount etc.
Toggling both the Automatically go to edit screen and Automatically reinvoke camera options on means that once you have finished editing a receipt and saving the details, the app will reinvoke the camera so you can begin capturing another photo of a receipt.
Sync using the mobile network
The sync using the mobile network is toggled on by default. Toggling the option off will ensure the app only syncs data using WiFi only. This option may be toggled off by default and disabled by your company administrator.