Adding or assign a delegate as an admin
Sometimes you might want to add a delegate to profiles so that other people within the organisation can authorise claims on behalf of another person.
All admin users have delegation access across the company.
It is also useful for any of the following reasons:
- Check the status of expense claims.
- Check any user profile issues.
- Authorise claims on behalf of another person
- Full access to the user you are delegating into.
In order to set up delegation, you must first navigate to Administration in the side menu.
Within the administration, the menu selects User Settings, and then User Profiles.
Once on the User profiles screen, you can use the Filters menu to search for specific users.
Select the user profile you would like to delegate into by clicking the Pencil icon next to their name.
When you are in the user’s profile, select Delegation from the menu on the right-hand side of the screen.
On the Delegation screen, search for the name of the user you want to delegate to, using the Filter search box and select it by clicking on either the blue name or the arrow icon.
The profile is now ready to be logged into and the delegation for this is now set up.