Setting up current business mileage
If you have the Opening Business mileage category assigned to you, you need to set your YTD mileage before making expense claims. The rate paid for mileage will be calculated from this value going forward within the tax year.
If you do not have the Opening Business mileage category option, your YTD mileage will have been set by your expense team instead.
To do this first you need to setup your vehicle. Our help page, Adding a vehicle provides guidance on this.
To ensure subsequent mileage claims are calculated correctly, you first need to setup your opening business mileage, using the category, Opening balance mileage.
There is no rate attached to this category so a claim line will be created at 0 value.
Enter the number of miles and a description, then save the claim line.
Once saved, in the claim lines, you will see a line similar to the one shown below.
Any subsequent mileage claim lines need to use the Mileage category. The Opening Business mileage category should only be used once.