From the side menu DriverCare --> My Documents.
The menu below of documents required will be displayed.
Click on the blue name of each document to add details and upload a copy.
If you have a new document to be uploaded and it does not appear in your list of Required documents use the Add a new document button. This will allow you to select the document type and add.
From the filters menu you can choose to show all documents, or checked / unchecked documents, or expired documents.
When entering or attaching new details there are 2 sections for most types, the top section will at a minimum show the fields below, anything in yellow must be completed. Otherwise it can be left blank.
Additional fields in this section show for insurance where the company name and certificate number are also required.
the lower section will always be for uploading copies of your documents. PDF or a photograph are the preferred formats.
Click Add file, browse for the document and upload.
Once your documents have been checked by administrators they will move into the Checked section, where they will remain until they need revalidating or your change your vehicle.
When revalidation is due emails will be sent out in advance so that there is no delay in keeping checked documents on MyExpenses.